Satini’s Story

Human beings are so much more than what shows on the surface. Meet Satini To be honest, Satini's personality didn't stand out to me as much as Dunord or Esther's. Maybe he was just more quiet, less expressive. Or maybe it was because our interview with him was one of the shortest. But when I… Continue reading Satini’s Story

Esther’s Story

If you've lost both your parents, shouldered the responsibility of providing for your ten siblings, then lost your house and crops in a hurricane, then replanted your crops only to have them killed in a drought—if you're still clinging to hope, you must be strong. Meet Esther Strong is precisely the impression Esther (the farthest… Continue reading Esther’s Story

Dunord’s Story

To help you feel what it's like to survive in Hurricane Matthew's aftermath, I'll tell the stories of four farmers: Dunord, Esther, Satini, and Noel. Today, I'll introduce you to the first. Meet Dunord Dunord is a character. We interviewed him beside his hurricane-wrecked house—stripped to almost nothing but a frame—next to the temporary shacks… Continue reading Dunord’s Story